Kovalenko, A.G., Fenton, R.A. (2024). Bystander intervention in football and sports. A quasi-experimental feasibility study of a bystander violence prevention program in the UK, Journal of Interpersonal Violence. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/08862605241239452
Kovalenko, A.G., Denford, S., van Beurden, S., Cockcroft, E., Coxhead, V., Tomlinson, O., Powell, E., Williams, C. (under review). Supporting physical activity among families of children with cystic fibrosis: The development of a novel intervention using a Person-Based approach. BMJ Open
Kovalenko, A.G. (2024) Violence Prevention Interventions: Change Processes and Programme Effectiveness. PhD thesis, retrievable from: http://hdl.handle.net/10871/135417
Johnson, R., Kovalenko, A.G., Blakeman, T., Panagioti, M., Lawton, M.A., Dawson, S., Duncan, P., Fraser, S.D., Valderas, J.M., Chilcott, S., Goulding, R., & Salisbury, C. (2023). Treatment burden in multiple long-term conditions: a mixed-methods study protocol. BJGP Open, 7. https://doi.org/10.3399/BJGPO.2023.0097
Kovalenko, A.G., Fenton, R.A., O’Dwyer, S., Eisenstadt, N. (in preparation). Feasibility of Bystander Violence Prevention Programme in a Sports Setting in the UK. A qualitative evaluation.
Kovalenko, A.G., Fenton, R.A., O’Dwyer, S., Eisenstadt, N., Levine, M. (in preparation). An Exploration of the Behaviour Change Processes that Facilitate Bystander Behaviour among Footballers.
Kovalenko, A.G., Abraham, C., Graham-Rowe, E., Levine, M., O’Dwyer, S. (2020). What Works in Violence Prevention Among Young People?: a Systematic Review of Reviews, Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 23(5) 10.1177/1524838020939130
Levine, M., Philpot, R., Kovalenko, A.G. (2020). Rethinking the Bystander Effect in Violence Reduction Training Programs. Social Issues and Policy Review, 14(1), 273--296. 10.1111/sipr.12063